
Panelists include
Claer Barrett – FT
Karin Schulte – Private Investor
Chapter Zero
Carbon Trust
Graham Neary – Cube Investments
Fidelity – Alex Denny
Fund Hunter – Andrew Latto
Matt Bird
John Lee
Miton – Gervais Williams
Odyssean – Ed and Stuart
Montanaro – Ed Heaven, Mark Rogers
Downing – Judith MacKenzie
Blue Whale – Stephen Yiu
Polar Capital – Ben Rogoff
Holland Advisors – Andrew Hollingworth
MI Discretionary – Melwin Mehta

We have at least 8 panels forming which will cover topics such as:

  • ESG*
  • Sustainable investing – the only way to invest
  • Fintech – a compelling long term investment
  • Artificial Intellience
  • How Millennials are influencing the investment landscape

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.

We are very grateful to our panelists who will be discussing key ideas and topics of the day.  Suggestions for panel sessions are detailed below.  We would love to hear any ideas you have.  Please contact the Mello Team  using our Get In Touch Contact Form.

John Stepek


Moira O'Neill

FT and Interactive Investor

George Cooke


Carl Harald Janson

International Biotechnology Trust

Graham Neary

Cube Investments

Roger Lawson


Thomas McMahon

Kepler Partners

Lucy Costa Duarte

International Biotechnology Trust

John Rosier

John’s Investment Chronicle

Jonathan Davis

Author and journalist

Sarah Godfrey

Edison Research

Steve Clapham

Behind the Balance Sheet

Chris Boxall

Fundamental Asset management Investor's Champion

Melwin Mehta

MI Discretionary Unit Fund, Sterling Investments

Andrew Latto

Fund Hunter

Ed Marten

Quoted Data

Ed Bowsher

ETF Stream

Mike Foster


Chris Spencer-Phillips

First Flight Non-executive directors

Matthew Bird

Falco Financial

Peter Higgins

Conkers Corner

Jonathan Davis

Investment Trusts Handbook

Kieran Drake

Possible topics for our panelists include:

Questions you have always wanted to ask a fund manager.

How can investors be assured of good governance?

How to pick the best funds?

The growing alternative assets sector – which are particularly valuable and widely used by wealth managers as a source of income?

Managing risk in a volatile investing environment.

How to manage gearing and capital preservation?

Where to find value in financials ?

Everything you have ever wanted to know about Financial Debt from an expert in that field.

Where can we obtain research and valuation of each investment trust and fund?

What is the ideal spread of trusts and funds in term of sectors and geographies?

How do investment trusts and funds manage risk?

Explaining what is meant by closed ended and open ended funds, and why there are  discounts and premiums?

What is meant by ESG investing?  How can I invest more sustainably?

Dr Carl Harald Janson (CEFA, PhD, Medical Doctor)
Lead Investment manager of International Biotechnology Trust plc

Carl Harald qualified as a medical doctor in 1981, completed his PhD in 1990 at the Karolinska Institutet, and qualified as Certified European Financial Analyst from the Stockholm School of Economics in 1999.

He joined Astra Arcus in the biotech industry in 1992 before moving into finance at Hagstromer & Qviberg, Danske Securities, and then, from 2000, as a Senior Portfolio Manager and Principal Fund Manager of the Carnegie Biotechnology Fund.  During his six years and four months as the Fund’s Principal Fund Manager, Carl Harald was recognised by Bloomberg as the top performing biotech fund manager worldwide and his fund had a total return of +54% (USD) while the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index returned -26% (USD), a relative outperformance of approximately 80%.

In September 2013, he joined SV Health Investors, as Lead Investment Manager of International Biotechnology Trust, a Trust founded in 1994 to invest in the unquoted and quoted global biotech sector.  


Sarah Godfrey
Edison Research

Sarah analyses and researches Investment Companies. 

Edison is an investment research and advisory company, with offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.  

John Rosier
John’s Investment Chronicle

John Rosier is a regular contributor to the Investors Chronicle magazine and a full time private investor with over 30 years’ investment experience.  He launched his website in January 2012 so that he could share with other investors how he manages his investment portfolio; the JIC Portfolio. 

John focuses on searching for companies where the growth prospects are not reflected in the share price. He especially likes companies that are beating expectations, providing the added benefit of a potential re-rating on upgraded forecasts.

Ed Bowsher
Head of Consumer Finance at 

Ed  served as Editor of The Motley Fool in the UK for two-years and has appeared on BBC News, Sky News, Radio 4, 5 Live, ITV Central, LBC, BBC World Service and many BBC local radio stations.

Ed has been a private investor since the mid-90’s and  employed by several investment websites including Citywire, breakingviews and The Motley Fool.

Investment trusts form an important part of Ed’s portfolio  and he mainly invests in technology, pharmaceuticals and smaller companies. Ed  read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University.

Moira O’Neill
Financial Times and Interactive Investor

Moira became Head of Personal Finance for interactive investor in March 2018, after more than 20 years in personal finance journalism.

She is editor-in-chief of interactive investor editorial, plus Moneywise and Money Observer, the independent magazines owned by interactive investor. She is also head of communications and personal finance strategy for the business.

Moira is also an investment columnist for the Financial Times and is a holder of the Wincott Personal Finance Journalism Award.



Nick Britton
 The Association of Investment Companies 

A former financial and business journalist, Nick joined the Association of Investment Companies (AIC) in 2015. He works with financial advisers and wealth managers, aiming to improve their understanding and usage of investment companies.

As a journalist, Nick held roles including Editor of What Investment magazine and Head of Research at Vitesse Media, where he produced reports such as Directors’ Pay on AIM, the Cash Shells Directory, Institutional Investors in AIM and the VCT Report. He also edited the website. 

Steve Clapham
Behind the Balance Sheet

Steve is the founder of Behind the Balance Sheet (, an investment research and training consultancy, which produces bespoke research for a small group of institutional clients. Steve is also an analyst at Hardman & Co.      

In 2018, Steve started a training business which is focused on improving institutional equity investors’ analytical skills, and over 100 professional analysts and fund managers have taken his Forensic Accounting Training Course.  Steve is regularly in the press on City AM and on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4, talking about accounting issues at quoted companies.