2022 MelloBLISS Competition - Entry now closed

Bliss stands for ‘Be Last Investor Still Standing’ and that is your aim as you need to stay in the game. It is the share competition for sensible shares not risky rockets. 


Most annual stock picking competitions require you to select a top performing share or number of shares to win. That tends to mean picking a ‘shoot the light out’ share or high-risk entries to beat the thousands that enter. Some are not even companies that investors would select for their own investment portfolios…

Mello has a community of investors that tend to opt for longer term investments and prefer steady rather than speculative companies and visibility over volatility.  For that reason, we have created a competition where share price fluctuations and exciting news are not necessarily going to be a winning formula.

You enter the competition with five stocks and you need to get through the whole of 2022 at four quarterly reviews and then the finishing line with as many of your picks as possible remaining in your mini portfolio.  Be sure to pick a unique username!

At each FTSE quarterly review date your entries will be matched against a blended FTSE index gain for that quarter and you will be allowed a tolerance of falling behind that index by 10% (which may be set tighter to 5% if necessary depending on market volatility) If any of your picks fall below the line then you lose them!

The winner(s) will have lost the least number of stocks at the review dates and the tie breaker will be the average percentage gain by each entrant across all their five stocks so you cannot afford to have big losers.

You can choose fully listed FTSE100 stocks all the way down to smaller AIM stocks and anything in between but they must be UK listed.


Put your real world stock picking skills to the test with Mello BLISS. Pick a portfolio of five UK listed shares that will leap over four index hurdles during the course of this year. Any share that slips more than 10% behind a blended FTSE index (at quarterly tests) will fall by the wayside. At the end of the competition only those with five shares still in the running with qualify for the finals. If no-one has five shares still standing, then those with four qualify. Failing that, three is the magic number.


There will be a free Mello Annual Pass for the overall winner to commence on the next renewal date, or from October 2022 if not already a pass holder. 

All entrants that retain five companies in their portfolio will receive Mello goody bags

However this competition is not just about winning and more about being part of a large Mello community so each of the top five investors in the Mello Bliss competition at the end date of 30th December 2022 will be eligible to attend a Mello hosted dinner at a top London restaurant with special guests including ShareSoc president Lord John Lee, renowned investor Leon Boros and a number of other well-known entrepreneurs, investors and fund managers featured on the Mello Monday shows.

Only ShareSoc full members or Mello Pass holders during 2022 may win prizes.

Example: No entrants have five shares left in the fourth quarter. 25 entrants still have four shares and make the finals. The best five portfolio gains (at the competition end date) win prizes. 

1. To win the hosted dinner prizes you will need to be a Sharesoc ‘full member’ or Mello Annual Pass holder or regular ticket holder.  
2. Only one entry per investor – no multiples.
3. You must pick UK listed equities and the closing date for entries is 10pm on Monday 7th February 2022.
4. You must a unique username – click view entrants to check someone doesn’t have the same username as you before entering
5. You need to get as many of your five picks through the qualifying line at each of the four quarterly reviews in March, June, Sept and Dec.
6. The judges at Mello will have the final decision.
7. All entries will be available to view on the Mello website and the competition will be reviewed and featured regularly on the Mello Monday shows after each quarterly review date. 
8. Winners of the dinner tickets must have verifiable email addresses and you will need to be a Sharesoc ‘full member’ or Mello Annual Pass holder or regular ticket holder.
9. If any of the five cannot attend then the prize passes to the sixth highest and so on..
10. Winners will be the five best competitors based on retained companies (the highest average percentage increase of the five original selections will be used as a tie breaker).
11. Your data will be retained only for the purpose of running the competition and will not be passed to third parties.
12. Your email address will not be revealed


Q.  How are dividends treated during the year? – are they added to the share price to get the total percent increase?
A.  Dividends will be added back in to the share price so that entries of dividend paying companies are not disadvantaged.
Q.  What happens if a company is acquired?
A. If a company is taken over then the share price is frozen at the date it leaves the market
Q. What about Share splits or consolidations?
A. Any corporate activity should be notified to Mello and our judges will decide on the action necessary

Good luck to everyone….it may or may not be BLISS!