Tuesday 17th September, 1.00pm – 4.00pm


1pm Keynote presentation from Reg Hoare
1:30pm Company presentation from JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc
2pm Company presentation from CC Japan Income & Growth Trust plc
2:30pm Company presentation from CQS Natural Resources Growth & Income plc
3:00pm Specialist panel featuring Emma Bird, Reg Hoare and Andrew Latto

Karin Schulte, Investment Trusts and Funds specialist

Karin Schulte will be your host for this event.  She has worked in global logistics, investment banking and private equity in Asia for a total of 25 years based in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. Karin is currently based in the UK and actively invests in listed and unlisted companies. Karin has extensive experience also in the not-for-profit sector both in the UK and internationally. Karin has a portfolio of roles and has a particular interest in the next generation of leaders.

Reg Hoare presents an update from the Investment Trust world 

Reg has extensive experience investing in Investment Trusts and Funds.  He has gained over 30 years City experience, initially gained with 11 years in investment banking and securities, principally at SG Warburg and Nomura. He switched to financial PR in 1995, and specialises in advising mid market companies, from FTSE 250 to AIM 100 across a number of sectors, and has a long track record of advising in complex situations including IPOs, fund raisings, M&A, crises and restructurings. He also served for 8 years as a Board member of the Investor Relations Society, Europe’s leading body for investor relations practitioners.

Company Presentation – JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc

JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc provides the best of both worlds. The manager focuses on investing in the best ideas from across the world’s stock market, whilst the Company delivers a predictable quarterly income distribution – set at the beginning of its financial year.

Key points:
Expertise – Tapping into the local proprietary analysis of JPMorgan’s award winning and experienced global research team.
Portfolio – A global best ideas – go anywhere – portfolio, with the manager focused on identifying companies that will provide the best total returns.
Results – Provides the best of both worlds – predictable quarterly income and long-term growth from the best global ideas.

James Cook, executive director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 2007, James joined the firm as a graduate trainee. He was previously a research analyst and also assisted with managing the strategic beta strategies. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics from University College, London and is a CFA charterholder.

James Cook, executive director

Company presentation – CC Japan Income & Growth Trust plc

Chikara Investments LLP (Chikara) offers expertise in Japanese, Indian and Global Emerging Markets equities. Privately owned, the investment teams manage capacity constrained, index agnostic, long only strategies on behalf of pension funds, family offices and other institutions.

Founded in 2005, we provide a home to experienced investment teams, within a partnership structure and culture, along with a first-class operational infrastructure to support investor needs.

For further details please visit: www.chikarainvestments.com/

Richard Aston

Richard Aston manages the Chikara Japan Income & Growth strategy.

Richard graduated from Cambridge University with an MA in Engineering and a sponsorship from GEC Industrial Controls. He first moved into the finance industry as an Investment Analyst with Sun Life Asset Management (now part of AXA Investment Managers) in 1992.
After various roles within the asset management team, Richard was appointed as a Portfolio Manager on the Japanese desk in 1997. In 2000, he was appointed Head of Japanese equities at Chase Asset Management in London.

Following the merger of Chase Manhattan, Flemings and JPMorgan, Richard became a member of the JPMorgan Asset Management Japanese Equities team based in London and subsequently in Tokyo. He was promoted to Managing Director in 2008.

In December 2010, Richard returned to London and joined Chikara Investments LLP.

Company Presentation – CQS Natural Resources Growth & Income plc

The Company actively invests in global energy and mining companies, with a focus on total return. It also pays a regular quarterly dividend. The flexible mandate allows the Company to shift its portfolio weighting between energy and mining, with the aim of maximising returns depending on the point in the cycle, whilst providing relative value opportunities. 

The closed end structure is well suited to allowing the investment management team to focus on the best returns profile, rather than liquidity as is the case with Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”). The nature of this focus results in the Company holding a large proportion in names that fall just below major index or ETF inclusion, adding additional upside potential should they become included. 

The portfolio is invested mostly in producers, with strong earnings profiles and market caps around £300m to £2bn, although also below and above this range. North America, Australia or the UK. The majority of holdings are listed in North America, Australia or the UK.

Robert Crayfourd

Robert Crayfourd joined the CQS team in 2011. He holds a BSc in Geological Sciences from the University of Leeds and is a CFA holder with over 15 years’ experience, having previously worked for the Universities Superannuation Scheme and HSBC Global Asset Management where he focused on the resource sector.

Keith Watson joined the CQS team in 2013. Prior to this he held senior analyst, research and portfolio manager roles across Mirabaud Securities, Evolution Securities, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Commerzbank and Credit Suisse/BZW. Keith began his career in 1992 at Scottish Amicable Investment Managers and has a BSc (Hons) in Applied Physics from Durham University.

Keith Watson

Investment Trusts and Funds Panel, including Reg Hoare, Emma Bird and Andrew Latto 

Reg Hoare – Private Investor specialising in Investment Trusts and Funds


Andrew Latto – Investment Trusts and Funds specialist and founder of Fund Hunter

Emma Bird, Head of Investment Trust Research, Winterflood Securities