Mello Investment Trusts & Funds Webinars

The Mello network of over 3,000 private investors are typically serious, full time investors. We expect between 100-500 retail investors to tune in to every MelloMonday & over 400 have bought an Annual Pass to guarantee their place throughout the year. The Webinar provides the perfect online method for companies to update shareholders & promote their Financial Year strategy to new investors.

Mello is famous for inviting top quality companies, leading fund managers, company representatives, to share their wisdom and knowledge. As a result, we attract serious and learned investors.

  • Delivered by Zoom Webinar, with a practice session scheduled in advance

  • Presentation slots run from lunchtime onwards

  • One presenter will drive their own presentation via share screen

  • Marketing material publicised to attendees in advance and post event

  • Each Company presentation has audience participation with Q&A as participation is at the heart of Mello.

  • Presenters have around a 20 minute presentation slot followed by 10 minutes Q&A.

  • Attendees type their questions into the Q&A box and questions can be managed by Mello or the presenter.

  • On demand access for our subscribers post event

  • Presentation format of around 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.

  • The entire event is recorded, edited and uploaded to YouTube. The edited recording will be distributed within 48 hours to all of our Annual Pass holders as well as those who bought tickets for the event. We can edit the full recording to create a Company specific video and there is a £150 plus VAT administrative charge for this. You will have a free license to upload the edited video to your website and social media.

Get a feel for the event by clicking above to view Mello Investment Trusts & Funds on 17th September 2024